Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn

London, WC1V 6JJ

Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - 31000659608Final_Photos.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - 71000659608Final_Photos.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - GRD FLOOR ENTRANCE1.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - 2fa46849f548bf6a94cc0cf1a980902dkingsgate6thfloor1aug2023.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - 51c528e5744c316bb1da58d104fd6635kingsgate6f2023052.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - de9a653464b3bb3b69b0148884e1a073kingsgate6thfloor2aug2023.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - 31000659608Final_Photos.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - 71000659608Final_Photos.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - GRD FLOOR ENTRANCE1.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - 2fa46849f548bf6a94cc0cf1a980902dkingsgate6thfloor1aug2023.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - 51c528e5744c316bb1da58d104fd6635kingsgate6f2023052.jpg
Kingsgate House, 114/15 High Holborn, London, Offices To Let - de9a653464b3bb3b69b0148884e1a073kingsgate6thfloor2aug2023.jpg
Property Type Offices
Tenure To Let
Size 601 to 1,505 sq ft
Rent £40 - £45 per sq ft
Business Rates £21 per sq ft
Service Charge £11.11 per sq ft
Energy Performance Rating Upon enquiry

Fully fitted offices opposite Holborn tube 601/904/1505 sq ft from just £40 psf

Key Points

  • Fully fitted
  • Bike racks
  • Comfort cooled
  • Economical rental


We are marketing 3 floors of fitted comfort cooled offices in this prominently positioned building seconds from Holborn tube station.

Available area

The accommodation comprises the following areas:

Name sq ft sq m Availability
6th 601 55.83 Available
5th 904 83.98 Available
1st 904 83.98 Available
Total 2,409 223.79


The building is conveniently located on the north side of High Holborn by its junction with Kingsway.


Strictly by prior appointment through Gale Priggen or their joint agents Hartnell Taylor Cook


New lease/s are available for terms by arrangement